Healthy Church - Ephesus and Smyrna

In Revelation 2:1-11 we learn about two churches that have followed the Lord but, in doing so, lost sight of what was most important and became obsessed with the wrong things. Ephesus is the first church that is mentioned and is a church that was in the midst of a pagan city. Revelation speaks about how even while surrounded by pagans who were trying to make them do evil or teach them evil ways of thinking, the church in Ephesus stayed strong in what was true and endured hardships in Jesus’ name. After commending them for what they had done, the passage goes on to condemn the church for falling away from the love they had at first. The church had become so consumed with proving and standing strong on what was true that they had lost sight of the most important thing, love. 

  • While trying to stand firm in truth, have you ever found yourself lacking in love towards those you are trying to speak truth to or even your fellow believers?

  • Are you more focused on telling others about the truth or about sharing God’s love with them? How can we help other believers stay accountable for sharing love and truth?

The second church mentioned is Smyrna, located in the middle of a city that worshiped the Roman emperor. In the passage of Revelation, this church is commended for their perseverance despite the afflictions and slander against them. They are reminded that though they are poor in a worldly sense, they are rich in God and His love for them. After they are commended for doing good, they are then told that the persecution will not stop, yet they are to remain faithful, even to the point of death. They are commanded not to be afraid but to be faithful, for only then will they receive the crown of life. 

  • Have you ever faced persecution for your faith (even being made fun of or bullied)? If so, how did you handle that time?

  • If you knew that you would be facing a lot of persecution, what could you do to prepare yourself and help others stay strong in faith, even in the struggle and hardship?

We learn so much from these two churches about operating under the truth AND love of Christ. A healthy church works hard, pursues truth, hates evil practices, loves unto action, is rich toward God, is not afraid, and is faithful to the end. God calls us to this standard as it is clearly laid out in the two churches discussed in Revelation. God calls Ephesus to continue to pursue truth, work hard, hate evil, and let love drive all they do. They are called to remember the love they once had, repent of the ways they are currently living, and then love with the same love they had at first. Smyrna is called to remember that they are rich in God, even amid persecution and trouble. While facing persecution, God calls them not to be afraid but instead be faithful, even to the end. God promises them they will be given the victor’s crown of life when they remain loyal. God is calling the same for Expectation Church; He desires for us not only to spread and fight for truth but also to love with an overabundance of love. He calls us not to be afraid of any troubles or afflictions that may come our way but to stand firm in our faith and trust in God and His faithfulness to be given the crown of life. 

  • How can you, in your role at Expectation, help build the body of Christ, so we stand firm in our faith and love others with an overabundance of love?

  • In what ways, on a smaller scale, can you help encourage your family or friend group to remain faithful amid persecution or hardship? How does this impact the church body as a whole?

Make a Move: This week, go to the Lord in prayer and ask Him to give you eyes to see how He can help you become a healthier part of the whole church body. Take time to pray for the church that we would be strong in our faith yet full of God’s love for others.

Prayer Prompt: Dear God, we thank You for the example You set for us of what a perfect, holy church should look like in Your Son, Jesus, who loved and would stand firm in truth amid persecution. We pray for that same love and strength over Expectation Church and that You would help us all to play a vital part in lifting each other up for your glory. In Your name we pray, Amen.

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Worship Set: Champion I God of the Promise I Yes and Amen I Reckless Love