Ephesians - peace

By Lindsay LaChapelle

Remember: In this part of the chapter of Ephesians, we are instructed to remember what God has brought us from, being once broken and far from Him. Then, we lived as Gentiles who were far from God and His love and grace. Now, because of the sacrifice of Christ, we are redeemed and brought near to God. This redemption allows us to tell others about what God has done for us and share our stories that are now filled with God’s grace and how He has saved us from a life without hope. 

  • Our job here on earth is to tell others about Christ; one of the best ways we can do this is through our testimony. How can you use your testimony to encourage others who are far from Christ and live without hope?

  • How does remembering where you have been in your past without Christ give you peace to go through what you are going through right now?

Jesus is our peace: Christ destroyed the barrier between us and those unsaved when He came and died on the cross for our sins. Because of His sacrifice on the cross, we do not need to worry about there being a barrier between the Gentiles and us. We are all a new humanity able to live in peace with each other. Because Jesus is our peace with God, He is our peace with each other.

  • Do you live in peace with those around you? If not, what do you think keeps you from living in unity with them?

In Him, one… God has created us to live with one another as one body, one people, one family, and being built together to be one temple. As the body of Christ, we need to be dependent on one another and remember that no matter how small our role may seem, it is essential for the body to work well together. God has also called us to live as one people. We are one people because of the goodness of God because He defines who we are. So many distractions in the world can pull us away from each other or make us different from others, but we must remember that it is Christ who unifies and defines us. We are one family in Christ, one household, because of the love and unity that He brings to us. We are one temple that God dwells within as He continues to grow and build. The more we are willing to surrender to His ways, the more we will realize that He is the source of our peace, and with His peace, we can live in unity with others.

God gives us peace for things we go through, but most importantly, God gives us peace to be able to live closely and in unity with other people in and outside of the church. 

  • Your role in the body of Christ is of utmost importance. Do you believe that, or do you belittle your work? Does this keep you from serving joyfully or willingly?

  • Though the world would like us to be against one another and pick sides, we know we can live in unity with the One who defines us. How do you live that out in today’s world?

  • We, as Christians, are being built to be the body of Christ to be made for Christ to dwell and His glory. How does knowing you are being built together with others to give God glory help you live in unity more with them?

Make a move

This week, take a moment to look at your relationships with others and then read over the passage Ephesians 2:11-22. Based on these scriptures, write down ways you can live more peaceful, filled lives with others. Then, live out those ways this week, especially if there is someone you typically have a hard time living at peace with.

Prayer Prompt

Father, we thank you for being the God of peace, unity, and hope. We thank you for your instruction through Paul to live at peace with others and to think of ourselves as one through you. Please help us to live peace-centered lives and not get caught up in the drama of this world. Amen.