galatians 3:1-5

Paul continues his letter to the church in Galatia to warn against the teachings of the Judaizers, Jewish Christians who asserted Gentile believers had to observe Jewish religious customs. (Galatians 2:4; Galatians 2:12; Galatians 6:12; Philippians 3:2). Instead, Paul preaches, that salvation is through Jesus Christ crucified. It is the central tenet of our faith. 

In Galatians 3:1, Paul calls the Galatians “foolish,” which is better translated as “stupid.” He’s baffled by their blindness to the truth of the gospel and how easily they were “bewitched” by the false teaching of the Judaizers. He encourages them to remember Christ as their anchor and to find their identity in anything other than Jesus will only lead them astray. 

In verse two, he challenges their thinking by asking, “Did you receive the Spirit by the works of the law, or by believing what you heard?”  Ask yourself, “What was my life like before salvation? Where would I be without Him? What has changed about how God works in salvation?” 

He follows in verses 3-5 by reminding them that their salvation was and is faith-based. Nothing they did, no adherence to the Law or obedience to man-made doctrine earned their salvation. It’s all because of Jesus Christ, crucified. He is our anchor; our faith is grounded in him. 

  1. Do you struggle more with escaping a religious past, a sinner’s past or a combination of both?

  2. Meditate on the phrase “Jesus Christ crucified.” Study the meaning behind each word individually and then what they mean together. 

  3. Do you remember when you heard and believed? If you’re comfortable, share your testimony with the group. 

  4. What false teachings and influences do you think are most dangerous in potentially “bewitching” the church today? How can you be sure to identify those properly and resist them?

  5. What areas of your life do you see how, though you “began by the Spirit,” you now are “being perfected by the flesh”? (Galatians 3:3)

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Worship Set: Firm Foundation I Because of Christ I Here Again I Yours (Glory and Praise)