galatians 4:1-11

Galatians 4:1-11

Throughout his letter to the Galatians, Paul has been challenging believers to remember salvation is by grace, through faith, not by any work that we have done or through the law. 

Paul uses the phrase ta stoicheia tou kosmou ("the elementary principles of the world") in Galatians 4:3,9 and again in Colossians 2:8,20. It captures anything we use to justify ourselves and be reconciled to God. In Paul's day, before salvation, the Gentile Galatians were pagans, and Jewish believers relied on the law for salvation. 


Slavery & Bondage - we are bound in sin, separate from God

Infancy - stuck in immaturity, unable to grow spiritually

Ignorance - stoicheia is to remain ignorant of God's grace, goodness, and sufficiency

Weak & Powerless - stoicheia cannot redeem us and save us from our fallen state

Poverty - finding our worth in anything else than God leaves us in poverty

God - the Father, Son, and Spirit -

  • God - God sent His son so that we could be saved through faith in Jesus Christ crucified

  • Son - Because of Jesus' sacrifice on the cross, we are adopted into our heavenly family

  • Spirit - In salvation, we have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit to guide and comfort us.

Through God - 

  • Freedom - we are freed from the shackles of this world 

  • Adoption & Relationship - we receive sonship and can rightfully cry, "Abba, Father," when we are distressed. 

  • Maturity & Responsibility - Freed from sin, we can grow in our faith and are invited into God's work, given a mission from God with a life-giving purpose.

  • Inheritance - We have an eternal inheritance and reward in heaven. 

  • What is Paul trying to say by using the analogy of slaves and children?

  • What can you learn about God from the phrase "when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth His son"?

  • What are the benefits of being in the family of God? 

  • What is the difference between coming to know God and being known by God?

  • As "heirs" of God, what sort of inheritance do Christians stand to receive?

  • Do you address God as "Father"? Why is this a tough concept for some people to wrap their minds and hearts around?

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Worship Set: Freedom l Graves Into Gardens l Trust in God l Way Maker