is god listening? Act Iii - A resolved heart

Water cooler conversation:  

  • What was your biggest win this week? What was your biggest challenge?

  • Would you rather have Samson’s strength or the wisdom of Solomon?

Unpack the Message:

The Book of Nehemiah opens with Nehemiah pleading with God to do something about the state of Jerusalem. Though the exiles had returned before, the city walls and the temple were still in Jerusalem. He spends months in prayer, expressing sorrow for Israel's sin and his desire that God's people would once again turn to Him. Nehemiah's prayer is one of praise, thanksgiving, repentance, specific requests, and commitment to obey whatever God asks. God answers Nehemiah's prayer and allows him to go to Jerusalem to rebuild. 

In Nehemiah 1:8, Nehemiah quotes Deuteronomy 30:1-5, reminding God of His promise to the children of Israel. They had been taken captive by the Persians because they had turned their back on God. In verse 10, Nehemiah reminds God that He had redeemed His people. The word redeemed carried great weight for the Jews. God had redeemed them out of slavery in Egypt (Exodus), slaves could be redeemed by purchasing their freedom, and God's provision of an escape from the penalty of sin is also referred to as redemption.   

Nehemiah reminds God of what He has said not in defiance but rather as reminding himself of God's promise. Nehemiah calls to mind what God has said, what God will do, and what God has done. God told His people He would redeem them, made a promise to rescue them out of Egypt, and followed through with His promise when Moses led the people to the Promised Land. Likewise, God promised us redemption from our sin, promised us a Redeemer, and sent Jesus to die at Calvary to reconcile us to Him.

Nehemiah 1 ends with Nehemiah pleading with God, "Give your servant success today" (Nehemiah 1:11). Throughout his prayer, Nehemiah has recognized who God is and confessed his own sins and the sins of his people. He's reminded God of what He has promised and what He has done, so Nehemiah is on solid ground when he prays for victory. Every day for four months, Nehemiah had fasted and prayed, believing God would grant his request. Though there may have been times he wondered if God was listening, Nehemiah remained faithful and committed. He continues, "Give your servant success today in the presence of this man. I was cupbearer to the king." Though Nehemiah believes God will grant his request, he understands that in order to accomplish the work God has for him, he will need to get past Artaxerxes, the King of Persia, arguably the most powerful man in history at this time. Yet, Nehemiah refers to him as "this man." Despite Artaxerxes' power and influence, Nehemiah sees him as a mere mortal - true power is in God's hands. Yes, the king will have to grant permission, but ultimately, God is in control of Nehemiah's mission. Success isn't in the hands of the king but in God's hands. 

What's Next? 

Nehemiah realized he had little control or influence over King Artaxerxes, but he knew who did. So he asked himself, "What is the next step that only God can do?" Nehemiah persistently prayed through those four months of waiting, believing that God would fulfill his promise when the time was right and when His servant Nehemiah was ready. 

  • How does confessing our sins prepare us for the plans God has for us? (Nehemiah 1:6-7)

  • Why is it imperative that Scripture be the foundation for our prayer life? 

  • Is it ever disrespectful to remind God of what He has promised or said? Why or why not? 

  • How does adding Scripture to our prayers enhance our prayer life? How does calling upon the power of God increase the effectiveness of our prayer time? 

  • What promise has God made to You that He has fulfilled? What promise are you waiting for? 

  • How does reminding God of His promises place us in a better position? 

  • Have you ever been in a season where it seemed God was ignoring your prayers? How did that season end? Are you still in it? Share with the group how you navigated those days. 

  • Why is it dangerous for Christians to single-mindedly place their trust in a political party or politician? Do you think God favors one political party over another? Does He favor some countries over others? Support your position with Scripture. 

  • What is the next step only God can do at Expectation Church?

Make a Move: 

  • What is the next step in your faith journey that only God can do? Take that step today.

  • Start a prayer journal to keep track of things God prompts you to pray for and the answers to those prayers.  

Prayer Prompt:

Father, You are the Creator of heaven and the earth and everything in them. You are worthy of our praise and our full surrender.  Thank you for the peace that comes with believing the promise of Jeremiah 29:11 - you have a plan for each of us and promise to prosper us and not to harm us, plans to give us hope and a future. Help me to hold my blessings with open hands, not hoarding them for myself, but willing to give them back, to share them, and to use them on behalf of Your glory, as You lead. Amen.

Worship Set:

God of the Promise

Reckless Love

King of My Heart 


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