communion Sunday

In Luke 22, Jesus celebrates Passover with his disciples just before Jesus is about to be beaten and killed. Yet, Jesus is more concerned about this moment with his disciples and is eager to share the first communion with them. Passover began in the book of Exodus when Moses brought God's people (the Israelites) out of slavery in Egypt and into freedom. Because of Pharaoh's hard heart, the Lord brought ten plagues against him, his household, and the whole land of Egypt to show Pharaoh God's power and convince him to let God's people go. The final plague was the first Passover, where the Lord struck down and killed every firstborn male in the land of Egypt except for those in the households with lamb's blood across the doorposts. These the Lord passed over. Those with the blood of the lamb were God's chosen people, and every year they were instructed to celebrate Passover as a remembrance of the mercy of the Lord on them and how He delivered them from slavery. 

Jesus begins by celebrating Passover with the disciples but then shares with them the first communion. Instead of using the lamb's blood, Jesus explains to the disciples that it will now be His body and blood that will save people from their sins and eternal death. He breaks the bread with them, explaining that it is a symbol of His body that will be broken, and then pours the wine explaining that as the blood that will be poured out for many. "And likewise the cup after they had eaten, saying, 'This cup that is poured out for you is the new covenant in my blood." (Luke 22:20) Jesus makes a new covenant so that His blood covers all sins and saves all of mankind, taking away the old Passover covenant, so it is He that saves and not the blood of the lamb. 

Jesus gave us communion as a way to remember His body and blood that was broken and poured out to save us. It reminds us of His great love for us to sacrifice Himself so that we might be made whole by Him! Communion can become a routine ritual. It is observed quarterly at Expectation and sometimes more or less at other churches. It can be easy to simply go through the motions of communion and not remember its significance and the promise we have because of it. 

  • Do you tend to go through communion without much thought, just moving through the motions and not really remembering the sacrifice made for us? If so, how can you try and make every communion you take a special remembrance of your Savior's love and sacrifice?

  • What does taking communion mean to you? Do you have a specific prayer you like to pray in remembrance of what God has done for you? Do you take time to ask for forgiveness for your sins? Do you spend it thanking God for sending Jesus to die to save us? 

God gave us a beautiful gift of communion to gather with believers and remember all He has done for us, but He wants us to remember Him in more than just those moments. His great commission to us is to share His sacrifice with others as much as possible. Our gift is not for us to keep to ourselves but to share with unbelievers and give them the hope and the promises God gives.

  • Who in your life can you start praying for or continue to pray for to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior? 

  • How can you be more intentional with unbelievers in your life? Do you find that your conversations point them towards or away from the Lord? Do you often share the gospel with others?

  • Does it scare you to share the gospel? Why? Remind yourself of the sacrifice that those in the early church made to share the gospel, being martyred and beaten for their faith. Use that as encouragement and strength to share your faith, no matter the cost. 

Make a move

God has given us the gift of communion to remember Him, His sacrifice, and the love shown through it. Next time you take communion, use that time to reflect and praise God for His love and the gift of Jesus. No matter what you are going through, take time during communion to remember all God has done for you and His great love for you!

Prayer Prompt

Lord, thank you for the gift of your Son who gave Himself as a sacrifice to make us whole and to bring us new life in you. Thank you for the gift of salvation and the remembrance we have of it through communion. Please help me not keep this gift to myself but to share it often and boldly with others. Give me the words to say to share your amazing love and sacrifice of Jesus dying on the cross. We thank you and praise you for your love. In Jesus' mighty name, Amen. 

Do you need community? Have feedback? Want to share something? Our staff are here for you.

Worship Set: Champion | Jireh | Firm Foundation | Land of the Living