Mission and Values - welcome home

Welcome home: every person is worth celebrating

Every person who walks through our church's door is worth celebrating, no matter where they are in their journey. This is modeled for us in Scripture many times, specifically in 

1 Thessalonians 2 as Paul writes to the Christian church he helped plant in Thessalonica. Paul thanks these believers that when he presented the gospel to them, they accepted it as the Word of God, and as a result, their lives were transformed. That’s because when people welcome God's word into their hearts, God's word goes to work in people. Furthermore, Paul is thrilled that when Jesus returns, these Thessalonian believers will be present in His presence. Paul describes them as his hope, joy, crown, and boasting. 

  • Who made you feel welcome at Expectation Church when you first visited? 

  • Who has modeled the Christian life for you and how has it impacted your walk with Christ? 

Hope - Paul's use of hope doesn't connotate unsure of but rather that he has a sure expectation of what’s to come. He is confident that Jesus will return and fully expects the Thessalonian believers to be present in His presence. So likewise, every time someone comes to Expectation Church, God allows us the oppertunity to share the gospel so that individual has hope they will be present in His presence at the Second Coming. 

  • Where do you place your hope? 

Joy - True joy isn't merely a feeling; it's a response to being in the presence of God. That's why Scripture tells us we can have joy amid sorrow and loss. Joy is a response to who God is, not a feeling we have. Why? Because God doesn't change, and He always keeps His promises. 

  • When—if ever—have you experienced joy amid difficulty?

  • Is knowing God never changes and keeps His promises enough to carry you through hard times? What needs to change in your thinking or your heart to believe that?

Crown - Paul isn't referring to a crown of royalty but one of victory. Paul sees the Thessalonian believers as a symbol of God's victory. Likewise, any time someone walks through the doors of Expectation Church, they too may become a crown of victory, a sign that God is still at work in our world. They should be celebrated because they are the crown we strive for. 

  • Who are you walking alongside in their journey of faith so that they can become a crown? 

Boasting - Boasting can have both negative and positive connotations. Paul looks at the Thessalonican believers with confidence, without arrogance, not because of his ministry, but because God is at work in them. Paul knows they will be present in God's presence. 

  • Where do you see God at work in your life? Where is He at work in Expectation Church?

Paul looks forward to God’s completed work and yet sees glory and joy in the present. THe Thessalonian believers response to the gospel message means Paul sees them as His glory and joy and too responds to who God is because of their testimony. 

In Luke 2, we read the parables of the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the prodigal son. In each, there is celebration because what was lost is found. God Himself celebrates when the lost are found. 

  • How does Expectation Church live out the value of Welcome Home beyond the Connection team and greeters in the lobby on Sunday morning? 

Make a Move: 

Who in your life do you see as a potential crown of boasting in the Kingdom of God? If no one comes to mind, reach out to one of our pastors or ministry leaders for how to Welcome Home the people God has placed in your circle of influence.

Prayer Prompt: 

Lord, thank you for all You do in and through your people through the working of the Holy Spirit. Without it, we have no hope, no crown, no joy, and have nothing to boast about - all of that comes from You. May we see each person we meet as You do, sinners in need of a Savior. 

Do you need community? Have feedback? Want to share something?
Reach out to our staff. 

Worship Set: Graves Into Gardens I Won’t Stop Now I Now Here I Good Grace l Firm Foundation (He Won’t)