Mission and Values - dependent in prayer

We are dependent in prayer because

we actively rely on God through prayer.

In Luke 5, Jesus heals a man with leprosy. He asks the man not to tell people who healed him, but the man disregards Jesus’ instruction, and word spreads of this miracle. It wasn’t because Jesus didn’t want people to know of His power, but because He often withdrew to lonely places and prayed (Luke 5:15-16). 

Later in Luke 11:1-4, Jesus teaches His disciples to pray using what we commonly refer to as “The Lord’s Prayer.” It’s our model, demonstrating how we should pray, not what we should pray. 

Prayer expresses daily dependence. Jesus tells us to ask for our “daily bread,” reminding us that we are dependent on Him for even the most basic things from food to shelter to our health and relationships (James 1:17)

Prayer enriches our relationships. Jesus calls God “Father,” teaching us to call Him Father as well. God desires to live in a deep, personal relationship with Him as father and child (2 Corinthians 6:18).

Prayer praises God. The Lord’s Prayer is a prayer of praise and worship of a holy God. Jesus recognizes God’s divinity and wants us to offer Him the adoration he deserves (Psalm 145). 

Prayer defines identity. By learning to pray like Jesus, the disciples learn to be like Him. Our identity should be in Christ alone—not our gender, sexuality, race, or socioeconomic status (Galatians 3:27-28).

Prayer is finish line focused. As we become like Jesus through prayer, our hearts align with His, and what is important to Him becomes important to us (1 Corinthians 6:1-17).  

Prayer is habit, not routine. Jesus never intended The Lord’s Prayer to be repeated like a mantra but used as a model for our own prayer life. Prayer should be part of our lives, not words we mutter without thought or intention (Matthew 6:17-18). 

Prayer shapes the individual and the community. Prayer doesn’t always change your circumstances, but it does change you. Prayer allows the Holy Spirit to mold us, making us more like Christ, leading to us being better family members, friends, and influencers in our community (Matthew 7:7-8).

Prayer produces protection. Jesus warned His disciples, “In this world, you will have trouble,” in John 16:33. He wants them to rely on God, not their own strength, to withstand all the trials life will throw at them. 

In Philippians 4:4-7, Paul encourages us with the promise that by bringing all our anxious thoughts, frustrations, and fears to God through prayer, He will give us His peace that surpasses our understanding. The only way out of a fearful place is through, so when those times come, pray through, trusting that God will guard and protect your heart. 

  • Did you grow up with a praying mom? Who has been the most significant influence on your prayer life?

  • Culture is constantly changing, often shifting further and further from who God designed us to be and how we should live. How is finding your identity in anything other than Christ dangerous?

  •  C. S. Lewis once said, “That gnat-like cloud of petty anxieties and decisions about the conduct of the next hour have interfered with my prayers more often than any passion or appetite whatever.” What interferes with your prayers? How can you get past that distraction?

  • The happy—or dramatic—answers to prayer tend to get the most attention from fellow Christians. Does this help or hurt your attitude toward prayer? 

  • Do you think it is biblically accurate to say that prayer should be viewed primarily as a way to build a relationship with God rather than a way to get answers? Why is this hard to remember when God does not answer your prayer?

  • What practical suggestions have helped you most in developing your prayer life? Why?

  • Imagine that two believers both pray for healing from a chronic illness. One is healed, and the other is not. What should the attitudes of the two be? What struggles will they face given God’s differing answers to their prayers? 

  • If you think of prayer in God’s name as prayer according to God’s will, does it explain why some recent prayers of yours were not answered? Does it help to know that? Why or why not?

Action Step: 

Use these tools to strengthen your prayer life:

  1. Set a specific time each day you will pray. Make it a daily habit. Psalm 5:3

  2. Eliminate distractions as much as possible. Go to a quiet place, turn off your phone, leave it in another room, etc. Follow Jesus' model of seeking solitude. Matthew 6:6

  3. Find your prayer posture - kneeling, head bowed, and eyes closed or standing with hands raised to heaven. Focusing your body subconsciously helps to focus your mind. 1 Timothy 2:8; 1 Chronicles 29:20;  

  4. Pray Scripture. God tells us to hide His word in our hearts, and He longs to hear us claim His promises in our darkest hours and shout Psalms of praise in our victories. Acts 4:24 – 26 is Psalm 2

  5. Pray fervently, passionately, and intentionally. Prayer is an exercise in faith, and when you approach the throne with a humble heart, willing to hear His voice, He will answer. Prayer isn't simply the fruit of a spiritual life but how we become more like Christ. James 5:16 

  6. Pray specifically. This is a conversation between you and Your heavenly Father; He already knows your heart, so lay it all at His feet. Philippians 4:6 

  7. Pray for and with others. Pray binds the hearts of believers together. It brings us together under a common banner and unites us as we pursue the mission God has for us. Ephesians 6:18; James 5:16

Prayer Prompt:

Father, thank you for the promise of answered prayer. You are holy, unchanging, and You love me with an everlasting love. Help me be dependent in prayer as I am actively relying on You through prayer. Draw me close to You, shaping and molding my heart so that I become more like You every day of every day. I ask for Your wisdom and discernment as I navigate life's challenges and seek to lead others to You. Thank you for your love and unending grace. Amen. 

Do you need community? Have feedback? Want to share something?
Reach out to our staff. 

Worship Set: Freedom I Firm Foundation (He Won’t) l Do it Again l The Gathering