Mission and Values - so that people far from god

will experience faith in christ

In Matthew 24:12-14, Jesus warns His disciples that as His return approaches, wickedness - any lifestyle outside the law of God - will increase, and most people's hearts will grow cold. He then challenges them that when everything around them is going to hell, stand firm because "the one who stands firm to the end will be saved." (v. 13) Why? Because in a world filled with heartache, we can model the compassion of Jesus so that people far from God can experience faith in Christ. We live in a broken and dying world, but Jesus came to meet that need and challenged His followers to join Him in this work (Matthew 9:35–38). 

  • Do you find yourself becoming desensitized to the tragedy and hardship of the past few years? As Christians, how can we combat compassion fatigue?

  • Discuss: "The church's response to persecution and spiritual apathy must be to declare Jesus' message as a witness to all the nations." R.T. France 

  • How do you respond when someone asks why God allows events like the school shooting in Ulvade or the recently released Guidepost report revealing the abuse and coverups within the Southern Baptist Convention? 

In Matthew 28: 18-20, just before He was about to ascend into heaven, Jesus presents the Great Commission to His disciples, but His words were not given only to them, nor were they exclusively for pastors, evangelists, or missionaries. The Great Commission is a command given to every follower of Jesus Christ. If we are His disciples, then we are commanded to go and make disciples of others.

Discipleship is to hear, understand, and obey Jesus. Throughout His ministry, Jesus rebuked religious leaders that followed the rules and looked good on the outside but lacked a relationship with His Father. Discipleship means having such a close relationship with Jesus that You are in constant communication, hearing and obeying Him, and leading others into a relationship with Him. 

  • Understanding that a disciple is in constant communication with Jesus, hearing and obeying Him, and leading others into a relationship with Him, can you say that you are a disciple? Why or why not?

Jesus is both central and total. Jesus says, "all authority is given to me…in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit," leaving no doubt about His authority and His deity by placing Himself between the Father and the Holy Spirit. He concludes, "I will be with you to the end of the age." Jesus must be the center and totality of your identity so as the hearts of others grow cold amid wickedness; we can show them the love of Christ. 

  • Why is it dangerous to find your identity in anything other than Jesus Christ?

  • Have you struggled to submit to the authority of God? What about God's character or nature makes you wonder if he is worthy of your submission?

Trust Jesus, Trust Jesus, Trust Jesus. 2 Corinthians 5:21 tells us that God made Jesus, who was without sin, "to be sin for us so that in him we might become the righteousness of God." John 3:16 tells us God so loved the world He sent Jesus to take on the penalty of our sin. In 1 Timothy 1:15-16, Paul writes, "Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the worst." Jesus hung on that cross, all of the evil in the world laid upon Him, because He is the only one who could reconcile us to His Father and, through His sacrifice, enables us to attain the righteousness of God. 

Wickedness is on the rise, and hearts are growing cold. That's why Expectation Church exists - so that people far from God will experience faith in Christ. Jesus is the only answer to enduring all the evil in the world - "I am with you to the very end of the age." 

  • Why is trusting God so difficult for us? Why is it scary?

  • How does our level of trust testify to our relationship with God?

  • Can we trust God to make a positive out of any trouble? How?

  • What is your one takeaway from this week’s message?

Make a Move: 

Who are you discipling? If you can’t name someone, consider the people in your sphere of influence. Who needs Jesus? Invite them for coffee, out for dinner, or to church next Sunday. Be intentional about bringing someone far from God to faith in Christ.

Prayer Prompt: 

Father, You have been so good to us, your people. Thank you for the gift of salvation. Thank you for the person who invested in me and led me to faith in You. Thank you for the confidence we have as Your children that You cannot lie, and if You said it, we know it’s true. I ask that this week you give me the boldness to speak to someone far from You, and begin discipling them. Prepare both my heart and theirs for that conversation. Thank You for Your love, grace, and mercy that never ends, but most of all, for my salvation. Amen

Do you need community? Have feedback? Want to share something?
Reach out to our staff. 

Worship Set: Who You Say I Am I Here As In Heaven I Mercy I Land of the Living