Sermon series based on “Rattle” by [newly-minted Grammy winners!] Elevation Worship

This message is from Acts 2:1 – 8, 13 – 14, 36 – 39, 41 – 42 (NIV)


Unpack the Message

This week, a historic matchup occurred in the world of college basketball – age-old rivals the Duke Blue Devils and the UNC Chapel Hill Tar Heels were pitted against each other in the Final Four national semifinal game. Nearly 71,000 people attended in person – and millions watched online – to see which team (and which coach) would emerge victorious. While the outcome of the game is not relevant here (spoiler alert – Duke lost by 4!), the rivalry is – just uttering the words “Duke vs UNC” is a loaded phrase to any college basketball fan, no matter what team you root for. The same concept of a ‘”loaded phrase” applies to the theme of this message: “Pentecostal Fire.”

“Pentecostal fire stirring something new,

You’re not going to run out of miracles anytime soon.”

Pentecost is a Greek term literally meaning “50,” is one of the three pilgrimage festivals when Jewish people would travel to Jerusalem. (Read more in Exodus 23:16-17 / 34:22-23 and Deuteronomy 16:10; 16.) In Jewish culture, they observe Shavuot, or the “Festival of Weeks,” the celebration of which was twofold – it marked the beginning of the wheat harvest, as well as the remembrance of when God gave the nation of Israel the Torah on Mount Sinai. The Pentecost holiday commemorated the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and other followers of Jesus while they were in Jerusalem celebrating this Festival of Weeks.

During this day of Pentecost, 120 believers who had witnessed Jesus rising from the dead were gathered together to pray and be in communion with each other. Suddenly, a sound like a violent wind came from heaven and filled the house where they were sitting, and what looked like tongues of fire that separated and rested on each person. They were each filled with the Holy Spirit and began speaking in other “tongues” – languages of other nations that they previously did not speak – that enabled them to speak to outsiders from literally anywhere about Jesus. This astonishing “baptism of fire” fulfilled a prophecy from John the Baptist – a truly miraculous event that drew a massive amount of people together.

Have you ever traveled somewhere where you did not speak the language? How did you feel? Imagine if you heard someone – in this foreign place – speaking a language you understood!

While this was occurring, some in the crowd could not believe what was happening and dismissed the different languages as people simply “having too much wine.” Peter, one of Jesus’ disciples (an ordinary fisherman, not versed in nuances of scripture) stood up and addressed the crowd with an incredible sermon, declaring that A) they were not drunk (“it was nine in the morning”), and B) that this too was fulfilling a prophecy from the prophet Joel. The crux of what Peter speaks is for “all Israel be assured of this God has made this Jesus whom you crucified both Lord and Messiah.” This phrase cuts deep – as these very people were the ones chanting for Jesus to be crucified 50 days prior. His message was so powerful that 3,000 people were baptized and devoted themselves to faith in Jesus Christ.

If you’ve ever felt like an outsider, what has made you feel included? Is there a situation in your life where you can include someone to witness the power of God? How would you have reacted in this situation?

The Holy Spirit is disruptive
. These 120 believers were going to have a peaceful night together praying and having fellowship when hurricane-force wind sounds came out of nowhere, the earth started shaking, fire hovered overhead, and each person began fluently speaking in a language that had previously been unknown to them. Can you imagine anything more disruptive? Every single one of their senses was overcome with a miraculous force that couldn’t be denied. Not only that – but these actions bring thousands of people upon this place to follow the same message.

Is there a time that you needed God to disrupt your life? Did you prepare yourself, and if so, how? Is there somewhere currently where you want God to move?

The Holy Spirit is miraculous
. When people think of this passage in Acts, your first thought may be that the miracle that has occurred is receiving fire from heaven, or speaking in tongues, or the presence of the Holy Spirit. However, many miracles happened that are not to be overlooked – speaking in certain languages to reach certain people, having thousands of people come to faith in one day (who not two months ago had been crying for Jesus’ death), Peter’s moving message when he had just been an ordinary fisherman, and Jesus’ message to his disciples coming to pass. Don’t restrict your idea of what the miracles of God can be! Miracles are supernatural occurrences – but they can be carried out as seemingly ordinary moments that exactly and specifically fulfill God’s plan.

Consider what brought you to read this takeaway today. You may not have realized it, but God has orchestrated a whole series of events just to bring you to this page and read these very words. What else has He done in your life to bring you to a specific point?

The Holy Spirit is personal
. While it’s easy to gloss over, the Bible clearly states that the tongues of fire rested on each and every one of those gathered – bringing a sense of individualism to a large group of people. The Holy Spirit was there to reside in individual people who were gathered as part of a community, and is here today for us to know God and to have a personal relationship with him. The Bible never references “church” as the physical building, but rather the individual people “on fire” for the Lord gathered together.

Each individual person referenced in Acts chapter 2 received a miracle that day. Think about the miracles that you’ve received in your life –what were they? How can you learn to identify them when they happen again?

The Holy Spirit is a catalyst for community. Communities can take many shapes and forms and sizes, but if you want to be a faithful follower of Jesus Christ, you will find people with whom to praise Him. Jesus does not discriminate on where He is praised – whether it’s a small gathering of people in a house, a club on a college campus, a large number at a church building with several campuses, or an underground group of people worshiping in a country where it’s illegal to be a Christian – the Holy Spirit will show up to bring people together in His name. The fiery, specifically orchestrated, miraculous, curated, personal power of God will fully be experienced with your community by your side.

Think about a time when you have felt “fired up” for the Lord – what is the setting? Are you alone, or with other believers? Is it quiet, or is there music? Are you sitting or standing? How can you experience this when you’re in a different time and location?

 “Pentecostal fire stirring something new,

You’re not going to run out of miracles anytime soon.”


Make a Move

This message touched on several of our core values: dependent in prayer (the believers coming together to pray, resulting in the miracle of speaking in tongues to gather others), outward focused (this experience that led to Peter’s message and thousands coming to faith), passion over comfortable (the many people that chose to admit their wrongdoing to crucify Jesus, and rather, declare him Messiah and faithfully, passionately bring His word to others). Are there any ways where you can bring these values to life in your own daily routine?

Do you have a friend or family member that you would love to bring to church? Ask God for an opportunity to invite them! Is there a situation where you are currently struggling and need a miracle? Pray for a clear path for God’s will to be done, and find a consistent time and place to pray so that you can discern His voice with no doubts. Do you need God to disrupt something in your life? Pray for courage to rattle the norm and step into discomfort – God keeps every promise according to His will.

Prayer Prompt

God, thank you for the miracles that you have blessed upon me, and for giving us your Holy Spirit to be with us always. Help me recognize Your hands holding me and Your voice guiding me, and help me remember that you have called me specifically to do great things in Your name. Father, my home is in You, and help me not only find others where I can share this home, but help me create a sense of belonging for others as well. Help me to be humble for you, but not humble about you, and keep the fire for you burning in my heart. Amen.


Do you need community? Have feedback? Want to share something? Reach out to our staff.

Worship Set

Rattle | Gone | Mercy | Promises