Sexuality - Singleness

  • Statement on Sexuality: The image and likeness of God in humanity include the male-female sexual binary. 

  • Sexual intercourse is the physical demonstration of marriage, God’s design for joining a man and a woman, which is for two to become one for life. 

  • Any other sexual activity is a sin and tears the God-designed joining of a man and a woman. 

  • While there is a broad spectrum of gender expression for each sex (male and female), any expression of gender that would seek to change one’s God-given sex of the body or to make ambiguous the binary sex of that body would be dishonoring to God. 

  • Gender expression and sexual activity should be governed by the desire to honor God with one’s body and not by conformity to cultural expectations. 

  • The follower of Christ, regardless of sexual orientation or sex, should be defined by a Christian identity, experience fulfilling intimacy in a Christian community, and live a lifestyle of Christian sanctity.

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 7:7-8; 1 Corinthians 7:25-35 

Christian singleness may be a gift. God sometimes offers individuals the opportunity to be single in order to serve Him more, but we put such an undue high value on marriage we rob them of that gift. Instead, unmarried persons can leverage their singleness for greater kingdom impact because they don’t have the responsibilities and problems of their married counterparts.

Christian singleness is not superior or inferior. Culture, including the church, has elevated marriage beyond God’s intention, sometimes suggesting that singleness is inferior to marriage. Nowhere in the context of Scripture do we see God present marriage as greater than singleness. 

Christian singleness is about undivided concern for the Lord’s affairs. While this is true for all believers, regardless of their marital status, Christian singles are uniquely positioned for kingdom work. 

Married or single, how we live in the present should be determined by our certain future. We tend to measure our worth by how successful, powerful, or wealthy we are. However, God is not impressed by the treasure we’ve accumulated on earth but rather by the treasure we’ve stored in heaven.

Discussion Questions:

  1. If you’re single, what are some things you wish that married couples in the church knew about being single in the 21st century? What steps can the church take to grow in being brothers and sisters in Christ?

  2. If you’re married, how were you able to serve the Lord as a single? What unique ways can you serve the Lord as a married couple?

  3. How can singles help foster a relational culture at church?

  4. Do you view sexuality, dating, marriage, or God differently after this series?

  5. Consider these statistics:

  • More than 4 out of every 10 adults in the US are unmarried.

  • The singles population in the US is larger than the total national population of all but 11 nations.

  • America has upwards of 82 million single adults.

  • 4 out of 5 single adults consider themselves to be Christian.

Seeing these statistics, how can Expectation Church as a whole and you as an individual do a better job of ministering to singles? 

Prayer Prompt: 

Father, help us never to elevate an earthly relationship above our relationship with You. Thank you for inviting us into the most sacred of relationships, salvation, which brings with it the promise of eternity with you. May we always see others, married or single, as equal before you, and may we strive to build a community of love and compassion here at Expectation Church so that everyone, regardless of their relationship status, finds their identity and hope in You alone. Amen

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Worship Set: Won’t Stop Now l Promises l Gratitude