Tenth - relationship and tithing

Deuteronomy 14:22-29 introduces the principle of tithing. The tithe—which simply means 10%—was made up of the first fruits of crops and firstborn of the herds and brought to The Tabernacle in Jerusalem every year in gratitude for God's blessing and provision. Today, though we are no longer under the Law, we understand tithing isn't about rules; it's about relationship. 

In Amos 4, the nation of Israel is divided into the Northern and Southern kingdoms. Bringing their tithe had devolved into a ritual rather than a celebration. Their focus was no longer on their relationship with God but on meeting an "obligation," contrary to His intent. Similarly, in Matthew 23:23-24, God chastises the Pharisees for the same attitude. While they adhered to the letter of the Law, they approached tithing as an obligation rather than a celebration. Tithing isn't about rules; it's about relationship. 

Malachi 3:6-12 warns us that failing to give our tithe is to rob God. Tithing has always been God's way of financing his church. He never intended the church to be funded by bingo or car washes but by His people putting Him first. When we rob God, we are robbing ourselves of spiritual blessings, His provision, and a church that can meet the needs of others. 

Tithing without relationship is rebellion. Amos 4 clarifies that the heart of tithing isn't a duty. It's an expression of our intimate relationship with God. He established the tithe to demonstrate our gratitude for God's blessing and provision.

Tithing within relationship opens us to blessing. God boldly challenges us to test him in Malachi 3:10 - the only time He does this in Scripture. Those blessings aren't limited to finances - He may choose to bless your marriage, your children, or your career. If you want Him to bless you in any of those areas, you need to give them back to Him so He can open the floodgate of blessings from heaven.

Tithing is returning. In Amos 4, Malachi 3, and Matthew 23, Scripture teaches us that bringing our tithe to the church is returning to God what belongs to Him in the first place. He doesn't need our money - He owns the cattle on a thousand hills (Psalm 50:10), but through tithing, God invites us to return to Him what is already His in an act of worship. 

Tithing is trusting God for our future. We give back to God in faith, trusting that He will keep His promise and bless us in the future. Tithing is a small act that demonstrates great faith in God's promise and provision.

  • Does framing tithing as being about relationship with God rather than our duty or an obligation change your attitude toward giving?  

  • When we rob God, we are actually robbing ourselves of spiritual blessings, of God's provisions, and of a church that can meet the needs of others. Discuss. 

  • What blessings have you seen come from tithing? Why do you think God says to test Him in this? Have you tested Him in this? What have been the results?

  • How can the habit of giving back to God break the grip of materialism in a Christian's life?

  • What are some indications of how generously and faithfully our church gives? How can you help our church become even more generous and faithful in giving?

Action Step: 

Reflect on your life. How are you giving, in every way, as a result of your relationship with God? Why? Where do you struggle to give, and why? How can you grow in this area?

Prayer Prompt: 

God, you are the source of everything good in this world. Your steadfast love, mercy, and generosity are beyond our comprehension. I ask that you help me give with open hands and an open heart, and to joyfully return to you what belongs to You in the first place. May I see my resources as Yours, and giving as an act of worship in gratitude for all You’ve done for me. Amen