this little light - week 3

In Acts 1, Jesus is nearing the end of His earthly ministry. He’s been crucified and risen from the dead and is now speaking to His disciples, giving them final instructions. The disciples are still trying to understand everything that’s transpired and are confused that Jesus, the promised Messiah, hasn’t restored Israel to its former glory as prophesied. Jesus reassures them, telling them they’re focusing on the wrong thing. It’s not about the Kingdom of Israel; it’s about the Kingdom of God. Everything we do should be with the big picture of God’s plan to redeem and restore the lost at the forefront of our minds. 

In John 15:6-7, Jesus spent time with His disciples on the eve of His arrest. He reassures them that the Advocate—the Holy Spirit—will testify about Jesus, and so we too should testify about what Jesus has done. The word “witness” is the same Greek word Luke used in Acts 1 to explain that Jesus would send the Holy Spirit so that we could testify and share the Good News of the gospel with all the world. 

  • Why is it necessary that the Holy Spirit be sent to us? If we are saved at the moment we accept Christ, what role does the Holy Spirit play? 

Why Should We Evangelize?

  1. Jesus expects us to. In the passages we looked at above and in many others throughout the gospels, Jesus spells out His expectation for His followers: bring the lost to Christ. 

  2. Jesus tells us to. “You will be my witnesses.” It’s not a suggestion; it’s a command.

  3. Jesus calls us to. Evangelism is deeper than simply being assigned a task. We have been given a mission—a high calling from God Himself. 

  • What is the biggest barrier you face in sharing your testimony?

  • When was the last time you had a conversation with a nonbelieving friend about spiritual matters? How did you initiate the conversation?

  • The term “evangelism” can stir positive and negative reactions.

    • When you think of evangelism, what’s your impression? 

    • How would you explain a Christian’s responsibility to share our faith?

In Mark 5, Jesus heals a man possessed by a legion of demons. The man lived in a graveyard, out of his mind, naked, screaming, self-harming, ranting, and raving. When Jesus arrived on the shore, the man rushed to Jesus, falling on his knees before Him. The demons plead with Jesus not to cast them out of the area. Instead, Jesus cast them into a herd of pigs, who hurl themselves off a cliff into the sea. People come to see what is happening and see the man who had been out of his mind, dressed and sitting calmly. The people beg Jesus to leave, and He agrees. The man who’d been restored begs to go with Jesus, but instead, Jesus sends Him home to tell his friends and family what Jesus’ had done for him. The man goes to the Decapolis and shares his testimony, and “all the people were amazed.” 

How do we evangelize? 

Trust the Holy Spirit. It’s not your job to find the words or do the work. Instead, trust that the Holy Spirit will lead you when you witness to others. Study the gospel, have a prayerful, sincere approach, and allow the Holy Spirit to guide you. 

Witness - What has Jesus done for you? 

Instead of elaborate theological debates or intense conversations about Christianity’s do’s and don’ts, simply share what Jesus has done for you. It’s not your job to convince them; leave that to the Holy Spirit. Instead, share how Jesus has transformed your life. Think of it like the song “Amazing Grace.” “I once was ___; now I’m ____.” Perhaps you were anxious, now you feel calm; angry, but now you have peace; lonely, but now you found everlasting love.

  • What are some of the stereotypes Christians have of non-Christians and non-Christians have of Christians? What impact do these stereotypes have on relationships between Christians and non-Christians?

  • How can we resolve the tension of appreciating other points of view yet maintain a solid commitment to faith in Christ?

  • What are some of the obstacles that stand in the way of people believing in Jesus and following him? How do we break through those barriers?

Make a Move 

Consider two people in your life today that do not know Jesus. How can you pray for each of them specifically today? Can you plan a time to purposefully invite them to church, a Bible study, or engage them in spiritual conversation?

Prayer Prompt

Father, thank you for the gift of my salvation. May I never lose the wonder or take for granted the magnitude of Jesus’ sacrifice that paid the price for my sin. Give me the boldness to share my story with others so that they too can know the hope, peace, and love that comes from a relationship with You. May my life and testimony speak so loudly of Your love and power that others see You in me. Amen