valuable - outward focused

Water cooler conversation:  

  • What was your biggest win this week? What was your biggest challenge?

  • Would you rather have to move cities every year (and never return) or never be able to leave the city where you were born?

Unpack the Message:

Matthew 28:18-20 spells out the Great Commission, Jesus' instruction to his disciples to spread the gospel to all the nations of the world. If we are going to reach the world, we must be OUTWARD FOCUSED. The lost sheep aren't going to find us; we must go out and seek them (Matthew 18:10-14). We must go to the one unreached

Jesus' statement, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me," carries the full authority of heaven. So when He follows these words with "go and make disciples," it's more than a suggestion—it is a command. It's important to note that the imperative here is not "go" but "make disciples." We can go without making disciples, but we can't make disciples unless we go. 

Three specific actions characterize Jesus' command to make disciples: go, baptize, and teach. We are to go and make disciples of all nations - locally and globally. That's why we call it the Great Commission—the scope of our mission is too big without the promise of verse 19, "surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

Jesus is OUTWARD FOCUSED in His authority. By declaring, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me," He establishes His sovereignty over creation in every circumstance. So when we witness to the unchurched about coming to faith in Christ, we speak with the full authority of heaven. No matter where we are, no matter who we're speaking to, Jesus has power over it all.  

Jesus is OUTWARD FOCUSED in His commission.  Unless we are intentional about it, the church can fall into the trap of looking inward rather than outward. As relationships form and we develop deeper connections, it's natural to spend more time with those we are close to and who think or believe as we do. This is contrary to our mission to go and make disciples. 

Jesus is OUTWARD FOCUSED in His discipleship. Jesus tells us to "make disciples of all nations...teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you." Disciples must make disciples in order to be disciples (2 Timothy 2:2).  

Jesus is OUTWARD FOCUSED in His promise. God is faithful to us, even when we're not faithful to Him. It is contrary to His nature to be anything but faithful—He can't deny Himself (2 Timothy 2:13). No matter how wretched our failure or our circumstances, we can trust that God is present in the midst of it all. It's no coincidence that His promise, "surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age," follows immediately after the command to go and make disciples. To experience Christ, we must be like Christ. To be like Christ, we must make disciples. 

We cannot experience the full presence of Jesus Christ unless we are actively making disciples. 

  • What does going, baptizing, and teaching look like on a practical level in our everyday life?

  • Which of the following best describes your response to your participation in the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20)? 

    • guilt (you're not doing enough)

    • apathy (you are unconcerned)

    • privileged participation (you feel good about how you are making disciples of all nations)?

  • If you're not one to consistently talk out loud about Jesus with others, do you feel that you can grow to the point of doing that? 

    • What scares you or keeps you from wanting to take risks to talk out loud about Jesus? 

    • Do you invite friends to church? What are some of the reasons you hesitate to ask them? 

    • What could the church do differently to make it easier for you to invite friends to church? 

    •  We can participate in the Great Commission in one of five ways (love, pray, give, volunteer, talk). Which one (or ones) can you make a specific commitment to work on?

  • How has guilt (Judas) versus remorse (Peter) shaped your walk with the Lord? 

  • "Disciples must make disciples in order to be disciples." Discuss. 

  • Who is your "one unreached?"

Make a Move: 

Identify your "one who is unreached." Make a point to invite them to church this Sunday. 

Prayer Prompt:

Lord, I pray that You would open doors for us to share Your Word. Give me boldness and the right words to speak so that the truth of the gospel penetrates hearts and draws the lost to You. 

Help me to live my life in contentment so that others see Your peace reflected in me. Help me be bold yet let my speech be filled with grace, graciously responding to each person. Use me in ways I've never been used for You. Amen

Worship Set:

Graves into Gardens

No Wonder 

Have My Heart

Here Again

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