Welcome Home

Contributing author: Lindsay LaChapelle

Jesus didn't come to institute religion; He came to initiate relationships; He does not place varying values on people but values everyone the same. He is our Father who desires a relationship with us and came to unite us together and to Himself. Luke 19:10 is Jesus' mission statement; He came to seek and save those who are lost. We see this story perfectly laid out in the story of the prodigal son.

Luke 15:11-32 goes through the entire story of the prodigal son, showing the Father's grace and the son's humility, being willing to take the steps necessary to return to the Father. The story begins with the son asking for his share of his Father's estate, which essentially was asking for his Father to be dead so he could get his share of his inheritance. When the Father gives it to the son, the son spends it on reckless living until there is no money left and famine in the land. Not knowing what to do, the son gets a job feeding pigs where he is paid nothing and is starved. The son has a moment where he realizes that his Father's servants are living better than he is, so instead of staying where he is, he takes a step toward returning home. 

Close the KNOWING-DOING GAP! The prodigal son knew he was wrong but had insight on what he should do and return home before he starved to death. His action took a lot of humility and willingness to admit he was wrong to his Father, whom he had sinned against. On his way home, the son is still a way out, but the Father, who has been awaiting and praying for his return, sees him and runs to embrace him and welcome him home. Jesus won't STEP IN until you STEP OUT!

  • What step is Jesus calling you to take? If you haven't taken them yet, what is holding you back from doing so?

  • Does it comfort you that the Father was waiting for his son and welcomed him home? Does that give you strength to take steps God has been laying on your heart toward him?

The Father embraces the son NOT based on performance but position. When the prodigal son returns home, nothing he has done makes him worthy of the welcome home he receives. As soon as the Father sees the son, he instructs for a robe and ring to be brought and for the fattened calf to be killed so that they might celebrate the lost son's return. Jesus is just as excited to see his children come home to Him. Your performance will never be enough to make you worthy of God's embrace, nor will it take you too far away from God's grace. The son came back to the Father in a position of humility, and the Father welcomed him in with open arms; Jesus is waiting to do the same thing for you when you humble yourself to take the step forward back to Him.

  • Are you trying to earn the grace you know you need to be forgiven for what you've done?

  • How does the example of the Father and the prodigal son give you hope that you are not too far from God's grace? What steps do you need to take to humble yourself and be in a position to accept that grace?

The Father's house can be close in proximity but far in priority. The story doesn't end with the prodigal son but talks about the older son who was home the whole time but was too proud to ever ask for his inheritance or act out in rebellion. His heart was in the same position as the other son who left; he was only awaiting his Father's death to gain his inheritance. When the prodigal leaves and squanders all his money, the older son is furious that a celebration is thrown for him when he returns, especially after nothing has ever been done for him. The Father comes out from the party and meets the older son where he is at. He doesn't get angry at the judgment of the older son but is gracious and loving, reminding the son that everything he has is for the older son; he only needs to ask. 

  • Do you find yourself judgemental of others who seem deep in sin?

  • How can you learn from the older son and take a step in humility toward your Father that is filled with grace?

JUST COME HOME! Jesus WANTS us in His home, in heaven with Him for eternity. He desires that we come running back to Him. We only need to have humility and take one step toward Him. The story of the prodigal son doesn't have an actual ending, so you get to decide what happens with that older son and even the prodigal.

  • How are you going to choose to respond to this message? Do you need to take a step toward Jesus in forgiveness in rebellion or in humility for being judgemental towards others?

Make a Move: 

Our job is only to take one step toward the Father. He will RUN towards us in return, welcoming us home with open arms. If God has been putting that next step on your heart, don't wait. Do it now; trust that He will meet you where you are and will be overjoyed to meet you there!

Prayer prompt: 

Lord, thank you that you meet us where we are. Thank you for the example of the prodigal son and the older son. Please help me to have the humility and courage to take the next step toward you. Please keep my heart pure and humble, not judging others but knowing that you will meet them where they are! Thank you for your never-ending grace and love! Amen.